The Art of Connection
Dr. Alex Lyon

The Art of ConnectionDr. Alex Lyon Dr. Alex Lyon, a professor of communication and YouTube sensation, discusses the importance of positive communication for leaders. He emphasizes the power of greetings [...]

Growth and the Art of Storytelling
Andrew Barry

Growth and the Art of StorytellingAndrew Barry On this, our first episode of Season 5 of the “Driving Change Podcast,” Jeff Bloomfield interviews Andrew Barry, the founder and CEO of [...]

Hang Black
From Refugee to Visionary Leader

From Refugee to Visionary LeaderHang Black In this weeks episode of the Driving Change podcast, host Jeff Bloomfield engages in a profound conversation with Hang Black, a Vietnamese refugee turned [...]

Kelly Lytle
Legacy And Lessons

Legacy and LessonsKelly Lytle On this episode of the Driving Change Podcast, Jeff dives into the depths of family legacy, dreams, and the cost of pursuing them with author Kelly [...]