Andy Andrews
Finding and Choosing Hope

Finding & Choosing HopeAndy Andrews Hailed by a New York Times reporter as “someone who has quietly become one of the most influential people in America,” Andy Andrews is an [...]

Owen Fitzpatrick
Shaping Your Behavior Through Beliefs

Shaping Your Behavior Through BeliefsOwen Fitzpatrick Owen Fitzpatrick is a leading authority in how to shape behavior through belief. A psychologist, author, and speaker, Owen has worked with prominent organizations [...]

Angus Fletcher
The Study of Story Science

The Study of Story ScienceAngus Fletcher This week we are honored to have Angus Fletcher on the Driving Change Podcast. Angus is a Professor of Story Science at Ohio State's Project [...]

Katie Spotz
Discovering Your Own Potential

Discovering Your Own PotentialKatie Spotz This week we are honored to have Katie Spotz on the Driving Change Podcast. She is an endurance athlete, charitable ambassador, author, and world-record holder. [...]

Robin Treasure
The Power of Your Heart

The Power Of Your HeartRobin Treasure This week we have Robin Treasure, a sales trainer, sales coach and #1 Best Selling author of the book Heart-Powered Sales: Grow Your Sales [...]

Dan Clark
Music Made For Your Brain

Music Made For Your BrainDan Clark In this episode we have Dan Clark, CEO of Brain.FM, an app that is designed to help you focus and be more productive. Dan [...]

Johnny Sirpilla
Dealing With Life And Finding Perspective

Dealing With Life And Finding PerspectiveJohnny Sirpilla This week's episode features Johnny Sirpilla- an entrepreneur, author, and speaker. He speaks professionally to businesses, communities, and universities on the importance of [...]