Dr. Nate Hearne
Building Your Legacy

Building Your LegacyDr. Nate Hearne Dr. Nathanial Hearne, epitomizes what “up by the bootstraps” stands for.  An educator, motivator, mentor, executive, Pastor, trainer…and  ultimately… the man who has led countless [...]

From Classrooms to Boardrooms – Part 1

From Classrooms to Boardrooms - Part 1 Written by Drew Watson 5 Min Read  Signing nurse passes.   “He’s looking at me weird!”  Complaining parents.   When we think of what classroom [...]

Emotional Intelligence & Performance

Emotional Intelligence & Performance Written by Dan Docherty 5 Min Read  Are we becoming more emotionally intelligent? Undoubtedly, we are becoming more Artificially Intelligent [thanks, ChatGPT], but how about EQ? [...]

Bob McEwen
Overcoming Fear Through Freedom

Overcoming Fear Through FreedomBob McEwen Bob McEwen served six terms in the U.S. House of Representatives representing  Ohio. During his congressional tenure, McEwen was selected by his colleagues to  the [...]

The Scorpion and The Frog- Reloaded

The Scorpion and The Frog - Reloaded Written by Franc Godri 5 Min Read  There is an ancient fable (from 1500s Persia) where a scorpion asks a frog to help [...]

Wendy Swire
The Importance of Mental Fitness

The Importance of Mental FitnessWendy Swire Wendy Swire is a Global Executive & Leadership Coach, Author, Speaker, and Applied Neuroscience Consultant. She is also known as the "Brain Geek" executive [...]

Positively Outstanding

Positively Outstanding Written by Matt Dentino 7 Min Read  I need to tell you something… You are Outstanding! So, what you are probably thinking right now is, “How do you [...]

Cory Carlson
How To Win At Home

How To Win At HomeCory Carlson As an entrepreneur, former executive, husband, and father of three, Cory Carlson understands the pressures working parents face. He is passionate about helping business [...]

Virtually Disconnected

Virtually Disconnected Written by Chad Brines 7 Min Read  Most of us have adapted, quite impressively, to the virtual environment that we find ourselves living in today. Working remotely and [...]