The Question To Finish All Conversations

The Question To End ALL Conversations Written by Jeff Bittner 7 Min Read   Sometimes, one question can change the entire dynamic of a conversation by eliciting information that otherwise would [...]

The GOOD Question Killer

The GOOD Question Killer Written by Jeff Bittner      Have you ever found yourself in a moment where you incorrectly judged a situation because you chose not to be curious?   [...]

What is a “Good” Customer Question

     Let’s start by identifying what a “Good” customer question is...  A “Good” question is effective at getting information that helps steer the conversation where you want it to go and [...]

A Janitor and The Class Reunion

If you could… would you go back to high school? I’m not sure of your experience, but I wouldn’t go back even though I enjoyed those formative years. Fortunately, there [...]

Barriers: Don’t Fear the Orange Barrels

I remember years ago driving home to Ohio with my family after a beautiful vacation in Hilton Head, SC. The music was playing, the windows were down, everyone had their [...]

Objectives – The 6:00 AM Question!

Mastering the Customer Conversation Have you ever asked yourself a simple question? What does my customer think about every day at 6:00 AM when they are getting ready for or [...]