Conversation Curiosity

Conversation Curiosity by Dr. Dan Docherty      Like most Americans, I was introduced to the concept of “binge watching” over the past 18 months. This is the act of watching a [...]

The Impact Value of a Question

       When you are preparing to meet with a new client, everyone has their own little rituals they go through prior to that sales conversation.  Some sales professionals take a few [...]

Windshield Coaching

     Are you a leader? The “Mind what Matters” blog this week is targeted at anyone that has even one person that they are entrusted to lead and develop. Regardless of [...]

What is a “Good” Customer Question

     Let’s start by identifying what a “Good” customer question is...  A “Good” question is effective at getting information that helps steer the conversation where you want it to go and [...]

What is Instinctive Elaboration

     This morning I was at my desk working on a “heads down” project.  You know the kind…where you are focused on nothing but the project at hand.  As I was [...]

The Art of Storytelling

Once there was a business professional who was highly trained to communicate with product or solution expertise.  Each day as she grabbed her briefcase and headed out for her daily [...]

Dealing with Wake Up Calls

What is a wake-up call? When you consider it, there are many different types. According to Merriam-Webster, a wake-up call is something that serves to alert a person to a [...]

One Light One Word One Dream

Last weekend, we, along with a group of our dearest friends, decided to spend a Saturday afternoon making candles. Before you pass judgment, let me put it out there that [...]

Charging a Dead Battery

As I write this blog, it is a cold winter morning in the Midwest. For those of us who live in cold areas, is there anything worse than being out [...]