The Influence of Relaxation

The Influence of Relaxation Written by Jeff Bittner 6 Min Read  The business of relaxation has been around for a long, long time, but over the last several years there’s [...]

Howard Partridge
Building a Turnkey Business

Building a Turnkey BusinessHoward Partridge Howard Partridge is an international business coach with a diverse client base spanning 109 industries across 20 countries. He is a bestselling author of 12 [...]

Why Your Hiring Strategy Might Be Failing

Why Your Hiring Strategy Might Be Failing Written by Chet Tetta 6 Min Read  Regardless of the business, leaders are continually challenged by hiring the best talent to increase a [...]

Kim Kaupe
The 3 Keys to Success

The 3 Keys to Success!Kim Kaupe Get ready to dive into the world of habits, personal branding, and thoughtfulness in this episode of the Driving Change Podcast as host Jeff [...]

Just Sing

Just Sing Written by Abby Docherty 5 Min Read  Why do we sometimes struggle to implement new ideas, even after we’ve studied and learned them?  I attended the Belmont University [...]

John Burke
Life’s Purpose: Divine Encounters

Life's Purpose: Divine EncountersJohn Burke In this episode of the Driving Change podcast, host Jeff Bloomfield speaks with agnostic engineer-turned-author John Burke about the fascinating world of near-death experiences. John [...]

Spotlight on Success

Spotlight on Success Written by Matt Dentino 8 Min Read  Growing up, I was exposed to a diverse background in both the theatre; as part of “The Dancing Dentinos” family [...]