Keeping Your Eyes on the Horizon

This past weekend, my wife and I had the opportunity to spend a few days at beautiful Lake Oconee in Central Georgia with dear friends of ours from Cincinnati. If [...]

A Janitor and The Class Reunion

If you could… would you go back to high school? I’m not sure of your experience, but I wouldn’t go back even though I enjoyed those formative years. Fortunately, there [...]

Emotional Contagion

As we have lived through the last three months, all of us have been impacted by emotionally charged messages. From the words and warnings of our leaders forcing us into [...]

Virtual Pictures

Here we are closing in on the end of May, and many of us have been at home hosting or sitting on virtual calls at an unprecedented pace. I went [...]

Engagement: “Boss” or “Coach”?

Over the past four years, I have been studying, researching, and learning about the complex topic of employee engagement within US corporations. As a coach, let me ask you 2 [...]

Barriers: Don’t Fear the Orange Barrels

I remember years ago driving home to Ohio with my family after a beautiful vacation in Hilton Head, SC. The music was playing, the windows were down, everyone had their [...]

Value Clarity: Beware of Knowledge Dumping

Mastering the Customer Conversation It’s hard to believe, but 30 years ago (this May) I was graduating from Miami University in beautiful Oxford, OH. After graduation, I had the fortunate [...]

Purpose – Thanks Salvation Army

Mastering the Customer Conversation Do you ever think about how purpose is truly the backbone of your customers’ business? How much do we really know about what is at the [...]