Is your sales team prepared
to guide your customers
through today’s intricate and
ever-changing buying journey?

Your revenue growth is dependent on
the quality of your sales conversations.
Has your company mastered the
science of sales conversations?

Your sales and revenue lives and grows through your sales conversations. Does your company have sales conversations down to a science?

Busy is probably an understatement in your world today.
(it certainly was for us as ex-sales leaders)

While all meetings are important, our research shows that, on average, 90% of your time is spent in discussions with internal stakeholders, which includes meetings with:

  • Marketing to drive pipeline generation activities
  • Sales leadership and account executives to close deals and generate new business revenue
  • Cross-functional partners on strategic business initiatives

In addition to these, you also spend time with your C-Suite and other senior leaders to review, refine, and execute your go-to-market strategy.

That doesn’t leave much time to focus on providing influential and effective sales enablement at scale.

Having a predictable sales pipeline is getting harder, not easier.

The Good News?

Braintrust was created to tackle the unique challenges that you and your teams face. While sales training is essential, it has its shortcomings. We have addressed these shortcomings by incorporating neuroscience into our solutions.

Effective communication is the #1 determining success factor for salespeople and organizations. At Braintrust, we provide a communication solution based on neuroscience and behavioral psychology. Our award-winning customer engagement programs help sales teams to understand why they need to change their communication approach, which enables them to more effectively communicate the value of your product or solution to your customers.

If you already have a sales model, that’s great! Our customer engagement framework can be combined with your existing model to make it more effective and efficient. Our NeuroSelling® approach acts as the “rocket fuel” to your sales “model” race car. Alternatively, our framework can also be used as a standalone solution for sales teams who don’t have a model or those looking to change their current model.

Trusted By Sales Leaders At Some Of The Highest-Performing Organizations In The World

The Decisive Difference?

NeuroSelling® is a customer communication enablement program that has been specifically created to capitalize on the latest advancements in neuroscience and behavioral psychology. The program aims to build trust, strengthen connections, and influence buyers to choose your product or service over competitors or the status quo with greater urgency.

By teaching the science of decision-making, our program motivates your sales reps to change. As a result, your sales reps will be able to influence your customers to change their behavior by utilizing the same approach. What makes this program unique is that it prompts both your sales reps and your customers to willingly embrace change.

Our Unique Approach & Programs

Our NeuroSelling® methodology and programs enhance your existing sales process by enabling your sales reps to gain a comprehensive understanding of how and why your customers make decisions. This allows your reps to be adept in every situation and make the most of every interaction.

The initial step of an engagement is to diagnose the fundamental sales challenges that your organization is confronting. Based on that, we develop a personalized program that caters to your company, your requirements, and your sales team. Our program promotes activation and application by combining skills training with one-on-one reinforcement coaching.

The Results?

Faster sales cycles

More quotas hit and exceeded

Having a sales team that understands the psychology and neuroscience of how and why your prospects buy will be your competitive advantage.

Greater market share


Question #1: What does your typical engagement look like?

All engagements begin with an exploration into the goals of your organization. Based upon that discovery, we will collaborate with you to co-create the right program to meet your needs and achieve your goals, whether sales (NeuroSelling®), coaching (NeuroCoaching™), or customer service/non-sales customer facing team (NeuroServing™) focused.  All programs have a strong core of application and activation, which includes skills training and 1:1 coaching.

Question #2: Do you have a performance guarantee?

Believe it or not, yes we do!  With agreed-upon baseline metrics/KPIs as well as 12 months of reinforcement coaching as part of the engagement, if an associate or associates in the organization do not achieve the desired, agreed-upon measurable improvement, Braintrust will continue to provide 1:1 coaching for that associate, at our cost, until they achieve the desired performance and improvement or until the company decides that the individual cannot meet the standard. 

Question #3: Is there a minimum investment for your programs?

Engagements vary significantly depending on the type of program and the number of associates included in a program.  As a foundation, it is safe to expect a minimum investment of $100,000 and for our larger clients, we have delivered engagements of over $1M+. Bottom line, we can support engagements of multiple sizes in multiple industries.

Question #4: What's the experience level of your team?

We have built a unique combination of Academia (Ph.Ds), past Enterprise B2B Executives, and world-class certified coaches and facilitators that have delivered thousands of hours of Braintrust-certified content. Our executive team held senior-level positions in multiple industries in previous organizations prior to joining Braintrust. We have a combined 112+ years of B2B Leadership experience on our team. 

Question #5: How much of a time commitment do your programs require?

As with the investment question, engagements vary depending on the type of program, However, our live training sessions are never longer than two days, our virtual sessions are typically two hours or less and our 1:1 coaching sessions are generally an hour.  

Question #6: Do you have any proof or evidence of the results from implementing one of your programs?

NeuroSelling® program. 108 out of 135 sales representatives showed an increase in total revenue over baseline.  Total revenue across the group increased by $615,816 per month and over a 12-month period, total revenue increased by $7,389,792 versus baseline. For additional details, please click on the link to access and download the report:

12-Month ROI Study Results