Increasing sales in IT, Technology, and Software means reprogramming your brain.

According to SaaS Mag, more than 35,000 software products/services across 745 verticals were listed in last year’s review. So how do you predictably and successfully gain market share and/or increase wallet share in one of the fastest evolving and competitive fields in the world?

In such a diversified sector, if you cannot differentiate on more than price or features, you will not outgrow your competitors. Clients are continuously evolving and looking for opportunities outside of their current verticals, so you have to understand the motivation and thought process of these strategies beyond the revenue and beyond your solution.


“In today’s virtual selling world, it’s critical to shift our thinking and our ability to be effective with our customers. The Braintrust program is creative, insightful, and helped our team not just learn something new about selling virtually, but actually put new skills directly into practice immediately afterward.”
Lien R
Senior Director, Contracts and Training & Development
Mitsubishi Electric US, Inc.
“Having the NeuroSelling® approach has been definitely the right approach and I am sure that this new methodology will become more and more the foundation for the sales material we produce, but even more importantly, get into the “brains” of our employees and Dealer Sales professionals, so they become more successful in growing the business and especially market share.”
Georg L
Manager, Europe, CIS, North Africa Near & Middle East Sales
International Manufacturer


Less Features. More Feel.

In a world of transactional interaction, IT and Tech sales professionals are relying more and more on drop closing and the credibility/benefits of their product instead of truly understanding the goals and challenges that a buyer is facing.

Imagine if your team could have a conversation with a new buyer and instead of data dumping features and benefits, they understood the product cycle of their client(s) and knew how to solve their problem by serving them in a way that few in the industry are providing.

The good news?
That's where we come in.

Braintrust takes the guesswork out of the “moments of impact” which are those instances in the sales conversation that are where decisions are made. We accomplish this by training sales teams on the science of decision making along with our NeuroSelling Methodology, which combines storytelling with scientifically proven tools so teams can change presentations into conversations, and conversations into partnerships.

Our Sales Enablement Programs For Software & IT

It's about moving from 'Selling' to Serving-by-Solving

Phase 1: NeuroMessaging
Get Inside The Mind Of Your Customer
Nothing is more important than getting the message right. This session brings your key stakeholders together to learn the Braintrust methodology and then roll up your sleeves to create all the necessary insights based narratives that will help drive the organizational storytelling from marketing & prospecting to the customer conversation with the sales team.

Phase 2: NeuroSelling
Master The Customer Conversation
In an exclusive and intimate group setting, you will get hands-on training and coaching from the Braintrust experts. Over the course of the training, you will learn how the power of neuroscience and visual storytelling techniques can completely change your selling approach and drastically improve your customer relationships (and sales results!)

Phase 3: NeuroCoaching
Repetition and Reinforcement Drives Long Term Results
A program, process or methodology is only as good as the team’s ability to execute. In order to do that, people need good coaching. In this program, you will learn a coaching process that mirrors the “neuroscience” approach used in the customer conversation. Your coaches will get hands-on training and coaching themselves from the Braintrust experts. You will learn how the power of neuroscience and visual storytelling techniques can completely change how to give feedback, do 1:1 sessions (including ride alongs) and become a more motivational leader to your team

Ready To Take The Next Step?

Fill out the form below and we'll schedule an introductory call to share more about our programs and learn about your scenario.