Ken Blanchard
It’s About We not Me

      This week we are thrilled to welcome Ken Blanchard to the podcast. Ken, one of the most influential leadership experts in the world, is the coauthor of the iconic bestsellers [...]

Dr. Ellen Burts-Cooper
Dealing with Tough Stuff

      This week Jeff has an aMAZEing conversation with Dr. Ellen Burts-Cooper. Dr. Burts-Cooper is the senior managing partner of Improve Consulting and Training Group, a firm that provides personal and [...]

Marilee Adams
Change Your Questions, Change Your Life

     This week we welcome Dr. Marilee Adams, Ph.D. to the podcast. Marilee is an author, organizational consultant and facilitator, executive coach, and professional speaker. She is CEO/President of [...]

Don Graumann
Strategic Pause: Stop. Think. Lead.

This week we welcome Don Graumann to the podcast. Don is a high-performance executive and leadership coach whose teams are known for delivering sustainable results. He has worked in insight-driven marketing [...]

Esther Choy
Why Persuasive Storytelling Works

We are thrilled to welcome Esther Choy to the Driving Change Podcast! When Esther started Leadership Story Lab 10 years ago, she got a lot of blank stares whenever she said “I [...]

Dr. Ellen Van Oosten
Defining your Ideal Self

This week we are thrilled to welcome Ellen Van Oosten to the show. Ellen is an associate professor in the organizational behavior and faculty director for Executive Education at Case Western [...]

Dr. John and Jane Day
The Longevity Plan

Happy New Year from Braintrust! We are delighted to start the new year with an interview featuring Dr. John and Jane Day who share amazing tips on how to live [...]