Master the Playbook – Situational Fluency

Master the Playbook - Situational Fluency Written by Dr. Dan Docherty     Over the years, our clients have asked us a very important question.  This question has been asked [...]

Psychological Safety – Free to Frozen

Psychological Safety – Free to Frozen Written by Dr. Dan Docherty    There are moments when I realize that a topic for a blog might come at the exact right [...]

Conversation Curiosity

Conversation Curiosity by Dr. Dan Docherty      Like most Americans, I was introduced to the concept of “binge watching” over the past 18 months. This is the act of watching a [...]

The Impact Value of a Question

       When you are preparing to meet with a new client, everyone has their own little rituals they go through prior to that sales conversation.  Some sales professionals take a few [...]

What is Instinctive Elaboration

     This morning I was at my desk working on a “heads down” project.  You know the kind…where you are focused on nothing but the project at hand.  As I was [...]

Walk the Talk

When someone says “Walk the Talk”, what does that mean to you?  For most individuals, it means backing your words with the action to accomplish whatever the goal/task you said [...]

Blocking The Noise

Finally, last week our family excitedly drove our son back to college at “The” Indiana University in beautiful Bloomington, IN. We were thrilled that he got the opportunity to return [...]