Relational Climate Change - No Longer Optional Written by Dr. Dan Docherty The world is fighting for talent and what a mistake it is to lose talent [...]
Master the Playbook - Situational Fluency Written by Dr. Dan Docherty Over the years, our clients have asked us a very important question. This question has been asked [...]
Psychological Safety – Free to Frozen Written by Dr. Dan Docherty There are moments when I realize that a topic for a blog might come at the exact right [...]
Conversation Curiosity by Dr. Dan Docherty Like most Americans, I was introduced to the concept of “binge watching” over the past 18 months. This is the act of watching a [...]
The Teeter-Totter- Balancing Live and Virtual Exchanges by Dr. Dan Docherty Have you noticed that people are back? As I was watching the PGA Golf Championship a few weeks ago, [...]
When you are preparing to meet with a new client, everyone has their own little rituals they go through prior to that sales conversation. Some sales professionals take a few [...]
This morning I was at my desk working on a “heads down” project. You know the kind…where you are focused on nothing but the project at hand. As I was [...]
When someone says “Walk the Talk”, what does that mean to you? For most individuals, it means backing your words with the action to accomplish whatever the goal/task you said [...]
Finally, last week our family excitedly drove our son back to college at “The” Indiana University in beautiful Bloomington, IN. We were thrilled that he got the opportunity to return [...]
If you Google "Trusted Advisor" for sales, you would find all types of blogs, articles, and buzz around these two seemingly simple words. Let’s take a second and breakdown the [...]