Psychological Safety – Free to Frozen

Psychological Safety – Free to Frozen Written by Dr. Dan Docherty    There are moments when I realize that a topic for a blog might come at the exact right [...]

Purpose filled Credibility

Purpose Filled Credibility Written by Dr. Dan Docherty      When someone asks you about your personal strengths, do you describe communication as a top skill?       I was [...]

One Light One Word One Dream

Last weekend, we, along with a group of our dearest friends, decided to spend a Saturday afternoon making candles. Before you pass judgment, let me put it out there that [...]

An Adoption Story of Thanks

Last week we had the opportunity to lead a socially distanced live training in the beautiful city of Nashville, TN. Honestly, it was great to be interacting in a live [...]

Doing Something Difficult

When was the last time you tackled something difficult? We all know that doing something difficult is not only challenging but requires 2 things: Motivation A deep desire to change [...]

Fourth Quarter Mindset

On January 26, 2020, I was stepping off an airplane in New York City while returning from a great trip to Europe. While I was there, I had the opportunity [...]

Finding Hope at 30,000 Feet

In a recent conversation, a colleague and I were discussing how unbelievable it is that we haven’t been on an airplane since February. In 30 years of business, I can’t [...]

Keeping Your Eyes on the Horizon

This past weekend, my wife and I had the opportunity to spend a few days at beautiful Lake Oconee in Central Georgia with dear friends of ours from Cincinnati. If [...]

Reflection that Fuels Direction

It is March 23rd, 2020 and this morning I was reflecting on the last 10 days and the incredible range of emotions being felt since the Covid-19 virus really started [...]