The Impact Value of a Question

       When you are preparing to meet with a new client, everyone has their own little rituals they go through prior to that sales conversation.  Some sales professionals take a few [...]

Larry Kaufman
The NCG Factor

      This week we are delighted to welcome Larry Kaufman to the podcast. Larry is the Best-Selling Author of The NCG Factor  – A Formula for Building Life-Changing Relationships from College [...]

Windshield Coaching

     Are you a leader? The “Mind what Matters” blog this week is targeted at anyone that has even one person that they are entrusted to lead and develop. Regardless of [...]

What is a “Good” Customer Question

     Let’s start by identifying what a “Good” customer question is...  A “Good” question is effective at getting information that helps steer the conversation where you want it to go and [...]

Ken Blanchard
It’s About We not Me

      This week we are thrilled to welcome Ken Blanchard to the podcast. Ken, one of the most influential leadership experts in the world, is the coauthor of the iconic bestsellers [...]

Dr. Ellen Burts-Cooper
Dealing with Tough Stuff

      This week Jeff has an aMAZEing conversation with Dr. Ellen Burts-Cooper. Dr. Burts-Cooper is the senior managing partner of Improve Consulting and Training Group, a firm that provides personal and [...]

What is Instinctive Elaboration

     This morning I was at my desk working on a “heads down” project.  You know the kind…where you are focused on nothing but the project at hand.  As I was [...]