The Scorpion and The Frog- Reloaded

The Scorpion and The Frog - Reloaded Written by Franc Godri 5 Min Read  There is an ancient fable (from 1500s Persia) where a scorpion asks a frog to help [...]

Walk the Talk

When someone says “Walk the Talk”, what does that mean to you?  For most individuals, it means backing your words with the action to accomplish whatever the goal/task you said [...]

“Is All Feedback Relevant?”

A beloved mentor of mine once asked me, “Franc, is all feedback relevant?”. My initial answer was “I think some is and some isn’t”. He then challenged me on my [...]

Checklists – A Powerful Tool for Change and Execution

       “Boost – Check – Change – Check – Rich – Hot – Both – Try Start – No Start – Mayday – Mayday – Mayday – Land The Plane”.          For those of you that have taken flying lessons, you will fondly recognize this or some form of it. It is what we, in the […]

Why Repetition Improves Performance

As a college athlete, I played football (for my European friends, the American version of football) at the position of cornerback. My job was to defend against some of the [...]

Reflection that Fuels Direction

It is March 23rd, 2020 and this morning I was reflecting on the last 10 days and the incredible range of emotions being felt since the Covid-19 virus really started [...]