Do Your Customers See You As Different?

Research Says, “No”

Do Your Customers See You As Different?

Research Says, “No”

Barriers to Growth

Did you know?
72% of B2B Sales Deals end in ‘No’ or ‘No Decision’.


Did you know?
86% of B2B Buyers see no real difference between suppliers

Sales and Trust

Did you know?
Less than 33% of sales people are viewed as trustworthy

Did you know that elite sales professionals and elite sales managers demonstrate behaviors that are completely opposite those of their peers?

(and also the opposite of how they were trained!)

The latest neuroscience research shows exactly why the top 1% outperform the rest of your team combined!

This 5 minute video provides an update on the science of decision making!

The latest neuroscience research shows exactly why the top 1% outperform the rest of your team combined!

This 5 minute video provides an update on the science of decision making!

Watch Next: Our Elite Performance Programs

You don’t necessarily need a new sales “process”, “framework” or “methodology”. You just need rocket fuel for the race car you’re already driving!

Program Details

You don’t necessarily need a new sales “process”, “framework” or “methodology”. You just need rocket fuel for the race car you’re already driving!

Program Details

See How Our Programs Are Helping Companies Like Yours Be The "Rocket Fuel" They Use To Create Up to 50% Increases in Revenue!

Growth isn't rocket science...

It’s Neuroscience…

See How Our Programs Are Helping Companies Like Yours Be The "Rocket Fuel" They Use To Create Up to 50% Increases in Revenue!

Growth isn't rocket science...

It’s Neuroscience…

Case Study

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This Fortune 50 health insurance company saw a 4x growth in both renewal rates and new business conversions and continues to use Braintrust year after year to reinforce the program.

Case Study

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This Fortune 1000 Financial Services company has seen an increase in millions in new product sales and continues to use Braintrust for four years running.

Case Study

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This multi-billion dollar global company used Braintrust to completely change its message, how it delivers that message to customers and how they coach inside the organization.

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