The #1 Virtual Sales Program

Mastering The Virtual
Customer Conversation

How to hold engaging virtual sales
meetings that are memorable and drive action.  

The #1 Virtual Sales Program

Mastering The Virtual
Customer Conversation

How to hold engaging virtual sales meetings that are memorable and drive action.

The World of Sales Has Abruptly Changed

In, 2019 only 5% of salespeople were equipped to work remotely.

Due to Covid, > 90% of B2B organizations have transitioned to a virtual sales model.

76% of salespeople are finding virtual selling less effective than face to face .

Customers remember less than 10% of virtual content 48 hours after seeing it.

In, 2019 only 5% of salespeople were equipped to work remotely.

Due to Covid, > 90% of B2B organizations have transitioned to a virtual sales model.

76% of salespeople are finding virtual selling less effective than face to face .

Customers remember less than 10% of virtual content 48 hours after seeing it.

Organizations, sales leaders, and salespeople
are fighting an uphill battle.

The Current Challenge

  • Sales meetings are now being done remotely almost exclusively, you must continue to sell, regardless of the current circumstances
  •  Most salespeople are unprepared and end up presenting information in a way that is unremarkable, unmemorable and potentially unprofessional
  • Customers are distracted and disinterested in most sales presentations when they are live. It’s even worse when done remotely if you don’t know the proper way to engage them

The Current Impact

  • Customers are disengaged and you get less time with them
  • They don’t remember most of what you say and your ability to differentiate is blunted
  • Your lack of effectiveness using technology actually further delays sales cycles
  • Trust is more difficult to earn, overall engagement with you and your brand is negatively impacted
  • You further commoditize yourself and deal size is impacted negatively. Less revenue = less commission

Prepare For The Future Of Effective
Remote Sales Interactions

This Program Will...

Show Sales teams how to be experts in video conferencing technology

Help you create virtual customer engagements that will be more “conversation” and less “presentation”

Ensure customers will find the interactions more engaging and memorable

Drive stronger and more consistent commitment from your customers

Increase the frequency of sales engagements and time-per-engagement up

Keep costs down and profits up


This Live Program Covers 3 Key Parts
Of Virtual Selling

Part 1: Planning & Preparation

  • Mastering your virtual environment & technology
  • Building a prospect pre-call plan
  • How to develop a service mindset

Part 2: Mastering The Customer Connection

  • How to drive and hold the customer’s attention virtually
  • How to access the “Buying Brain” remotely
  • The keys to mastering Virtual Storytelling
  • Learn the Customer Conversation Model

Part 3: Post-Call Expectations

  • How to secure a tangible next step/ commitment
  • Proper Documentation/Tools/CRM
  • Defining and measuring your success
  • Optimizing your internal communication
  • Building a follow-through framework


Meet Your Virtual Sales Instructor

Jeff Bloomfield | CEO

Two time best-selling sales author, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, business coach and mentor. Jeff’s dedicated his entire career to helping people and the companies they work for discover and share their story with more impact. Now he’s sharing everything with you.

We've Coached and trained some of the most
successful companies in the world.

(and now you get access to the same tools, strategies, and tactics)

Interested in the virtual program for your sales team?
Get in touch below.

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